Richard Mroz Presents at National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners Seminar
APA Senior Director Rick Mroz recently participated in the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, "Cybersecurity Training for State Regulatory Commissions" seminar which took place February 23-25, 2021. The program was attended by about 200 commissioners and senior staff of public utility commissions across the country. The program had several speakers over three days providing comprehensive presentations on cybersecurity standards, cybers insurance, training and tabletop exercises, and information sharing.
Mr. Mroz presented the final capstone presentation which summarized the three day event and also addressed investment decisions and cost recovery for cybersecurity measures.
Mr. Mroz is Senior Director for Strategic & Regulatory Affairs for Archer Public Affairs. He provides strategic business and regulatory affairs advice to clients, with a focus on the energy and utility industries. He has a long and distinguished career in law, government, business, and public service. His experiences as a regulator, lawyer, lobbyist, banker, consultant and thought leader have focused on numerous issues, including energy markets & technologies, cybersecurity, water and wastewater policy, as well as infrastructure development and financing for various industries.