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Richard Mroz to Present at Global Resilience Institute at Northeastern University's

Archer Public Affair's Senior Director of Strategic & Regulatory Affairs Richard Mroz will be presenting at the Global Resilience Institute at Northeastern University's "Cyber Security & Resilience Issues of the Grid" Seminar. This virtual event will take place on Thursday, December 9,  2021.

Distinguished Corporate Fellow, Richard Mroz and Suedeen Kelly, who serves as a regulatory counsel for Protect Our Power, will be speaking as a consultant and lawyer respectively, on cybersecurity and resilience issues of the grid. They will be discussing some of their work and bring attention to a number of issues we should be advocating for when protecting the grid.

Where: This is a virtual event (link provided upon registration)

When: Thursday, Dec. 9, 2021 | 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EDT

For more information and to register, click here.