Archer Public Affairs Senior Director, Richard Mroz, was recently named to the Advisory Board for Princeton NuEnergy, a clean-tech innovator specializing in recycling, repurposing, and commercializing lithium-ion battery materials. Princeton NuEnergy is committed to driving innovation and sustainability in the energy sector. Rick brings a wealth of experience to Princeton NuEnergy having served as the President of the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU) under Governor Christie.

At APA, Rick specializes in energy and cybersecurity. Over the years, he has focused on numerous issues, including utility regulation, energy markets, the evolving grid, water and wastewater policy, as well as infrastructure development and financing for various industries. Rick has served as Chairman of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) Critical Infrastructure Committee. He currently serves on the USDOE Electric Advisory Committee.

Rick is a frequent speaker on grid resilience, cost-effective power development, and renewable energy evolution.

About Archer Public Affairs

Archer Public Affairs provides full-service government and regulatory affairs advice and advocacy. The firm comprises a bipartisan team of accomplished professionals with a strong network of contacts and experience at all levels of government and in a wide range of industries, from health care and energy to real estate development and transportation. APA has offices in Trenton, NJ, Harrisburg, PA and Washington, D.C.